Billy Talent

Billy Talent, Sebuah Rock Band asal Ontario Canada. Sebenarnya saya sudah lama menjadi listener-nya yaitu sejak 2 tahun yang lalu, namun baru kali ini saya sempat untuk mereviewnya. Aliran dari band ini adalah Punk Rock dan cenderung membuat musik yang aggressive, saya akui arrangement dari lagu2nya cukup sulit dan unique.

Billy Talent

Member of the Band :

Sampai saat ini Billy Talent sudah menelurkan 2 Album, 1 album paling pertama adalah watoosh! namun direleased ketika nama band mereka masih bernama Pezz. Berikut album dengan tracklistnya :

Album self-titled mereka, Billy Talent

  1. “This is How it Goes” – 3:27
  2. “Living in the Shadows” – 3:15
  3. Try Honesty” – 4:14
  4. “Line & Sinker” – 3:37
  5. “Lies” – 2:58
  6. The Ex” – 2:40
  7. River Below” – 3:00
  8. “Standing in the Rain” – 3:20
  9. “Cut the Curtains” – 3:50
  10. “Prisoners of Today” – 3:53
  11. Nothing to Lose” – 3:38
  12. “Voices of Violence” – 3:10

Hampir semua lagu dari album pertama mereka saya suka, terlebih lagu This is how it goes, Try honesty, Lies, The Ex, River Below, Line&sinker. wah pokoknya lagunya mantap2 lah.

Berikut quote dari lagu di album pertama mereka “This is how it goes”

A track from the album was titled “This Is How It Goes”, and it was about one of Kowalewicz’s friends who had multiple sclerosis. On March 17, 2006, Aaron Solowoniuk revealed in a personal letter to fans that he was the friend in that song. Solowoniuk was confirmed to have the disease, which causes anything from numbness in the limbs to paralysis or loss of vision, in January 1999. His neurologist prescribed him medication that he would have to self inject himself with three times a week, possibly for the rest of his life. Although it was a struggle for Solowoniuk to come to terms with the reality of the disease, going to numerous doctor appointments, and touring with the band with a mini-fridge in their van has become normal routine. The medication has let him continue drumming with the band, as it eliminated his symptoms, and he has stated that “this changes nothing about my band or me.”

Album kedua Billy Talent bertajuk II

  1. Devil in a Midnight Mass” – 2:52
  2. Red Flag” – 3:16
  3. “This Suffering” – 3:57
  4. “Worker Bees” – 3:44
  5. “Pins and Needles” – 3:11
  6. Fallen Leaves” – 3:19
  7. “Where Is the Line?” – 3:49
  8. “Covered in Cowardice” – 4:12
  9. Surrender” – 4:06
  10. “The Navy Song” – 4:31
  11. “Perfect World” – 3:06
  12. “Sympathy” – 3:18
  13. “Burn the Evidence” – 3:40

Bonus Tracks :

  1. “Beachballs” – 3:51 (Best Buy purchase (US only) Bonus Track, originally released on the Try Honesty EP)
  2. “When I Was a Little Girl” – 2:11 (Best Buy purchase (US only) Bonus Track, originally released on the Watoosh! album)
  3. “Ever Fallen in Love? (With Someone You Know You Shouldn’t’ve)” (Buzzcocks cover released with iTunes version of the album)
  4. “Fallen Leaves (Live)” (available only by download)

di album kedua ini lagunya terlihat lebih dewasa dan hampir semua saya juga suka di album keduanya ini, misal Devil in a midnight mass, Surrender, Red Flag, Worker Bees, Pins and Needles dan Fallen leaves.

tembusan : Wikipedia

13 Tanggapan to “Billy Talent”

  1. 1 ayahshiva Oktober 20, 2007 pukul 6:44 PM

    punya linknya gak? jadi pengen dengrin lagu-lagunya

  2. 2 Fajar Oktober 21, 2007 pukul 1:48 AM

    rapidshare om
    banyak !!

  3. 3 nitnot Oktober 24, 2007 pukul 3:34 AM

    Gak nyesel ngikutin Billy Talent dr album pertama.. huhuhu lagunya keren2..
    btw, suaranya si Benjamin Kowalewicz sepintas mirip ama si Billie Joe Armstrongnya Greenday..

  4. 4 Fajar Oktober 24, 2007 pukul 3:51 AM

    saya juga merasa beruntung
    tau billy talent dari awal
    ko saya merasa suaranya si ben lebih macho ya dari pada si billie, suaranya ben lebih garing

  5. 5 ben Desember 7, 2007 pukul 1:49 PM

    saya baru tau billy talent baru2 ini…
    pertama dengerin sie byasa2 az..
    eh makin didengerin
    makin sini makin enak azz
    makin nempel dikuping
    makin ngebangun jiwa…
    pokonya dashyat!!!
    kaya nya mereka bakal jadi kiblat gw dalam bermusik…

  6. 6 asopusitemus Maret 17, 2008 pukul 2:06 PM

    Gw juga suka nih band!

    Emang bener nih band lagunya enak2…

    Beat-nya cepet, berdistorsi, tapi tetep ada melodinya.

  7. 7 raya Juni 23, 2008 pukul 12:59 AM

    gue ngefans bgt sm billy talent, lagu2’y nampol smua n gak ngebosenin, alunan gitar’y jg unik n beda dgn band2 laen…..

    cheers 4 billy talent…

    btw,ada yg tau gak knp band mereka nama’y billy talent ???…

  8. 8 didi Agustus 23, 2008 pukul 9:22 AM


    awalnya juga ndak tau nih tentang band ini~

    tapi pas maen game tiba” ada lagunya billy talent – suffering

    “wew? lagu apaan nih?”

    trus dicoba dimainin deh,,

    dan,,,,anda tau apa yang terjadi sesudahnya???


    (lebay ya??)

    tapi memang keren bangedh nih band~

    makasih buat mas fajar yang udah nge review band ini~

    ditunggu review band” yang lain ya mas!

  9. 9 dapid Maret 25, 2009 pukul 12:58 PM

    BILLY TALENT udah punya 3rd Albums..

    yang punya harap share ma aq ok..

    (numpang on air)



    YM gabedapid



  10. 10 robin Desember 29, 2009 pukul 8:06 PM

    ajeeb banget musiknya billy berharap mereka bisa maen ke jakarta..bravo 4 all fans billy talent..txz alot fjar

  11. 11 nafil Juli 12, 2010 pukul 4:31 PM

    gw tw bily talent dari lagu game pertama gw denger yaitu red flag.sumpah keren bgt lagu ny

  12. 12 nafil Juli 12, 2010 pukul 4:32 PM

    moga2 billy talent bisa ke jakarta

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